
I create work with human truth at its heart

TRUE \'trü\ adj.
a: ideal, essential b: honest, just c: legitimate, rightful d: steadfast, loyal e: consistent

In today’s ‘fake news,’ 8-second attention span, clickbait world, truth seems to be in pretty short supply. Which is a shame. Because we’re all just seeking a little bit of truth in everything we do, every single day, aren’t we? Something that shows us the right way through this crazy thing called life.

While truth might be harder to find than ever before, when you do, it’s powerful stuff. Because truth always punches above its weight. Truth shows you a different path. Truth appeals to your heart and your mind. Above all, truth sets you free. 

Looking for a through line in my career, which began too many short years ago in design and digital, and subsequently ended up in everything else, I landed at truth. Why truth, you may ask? Because my work — whether it was a logo, a digital platform, an advertising campaign, branding, a film, or just a single Facebook post — has always been in search of an undeniable, unshakable truth that resonates. It may sound simple, but it’s true.

And that doesn’t mean that you have to be preachy or pedantic or straightforward about it. When truth is your compass, it throws the doors open to all sorts of unexpected, illuminating creative possibilities.

So, while others may seek out fame and fortune, recognition or rewards, I’ll happily fly the flag for what’s true. Because there’s nothing better, or more necessary nowadays, than shepherding a little more truth into this world.

Yep, that’s my aim, and I’m sticking to it.